Small Wins Data is Street Data
In our conversations with educators, many use the same phrase to describe their school progress data: “It doesn’t capture the full story.”
Not represented are stories about a student taking on leadership roles in the classroom once projects become more connected to the local community, stories about teachers finding better ways to build processes for peer feedback, and stories about restorative justice language and mindsets taking root. When student, family, and educator voices are not included, there are missing pieces to the puzzle that could help schools learn, adjust as they go, and ultimately move closer to their transformational goals for equitable student learning. These voices could illuminate a fuller picture of growth as it happens, and of the promising educator practices that contributed. (The Small Wins Dashboard centers educator experiences and observations in the continuous improvement process.)

Collective Efficacy As The Most Powerful Renewable Resource
In regards to leading collective teacher efficacy, researchers explain, “When a team of individuals share the belief that through their unified efforts they can overcome challenges and produce intended results, groups are more effective” (Donohoo et al., 2018, para 1). This may seem like a simple idea, but schools need intentional approaches to develop this collective belief so that collective actions lead to equitable student opportunities and outcomes. It cannot just be up to individual teachers to believe more or hope more: the school or organizational ecosystem must support belief. Schools must provide teachers opportunities to recognize their successes and progress, and to see those of their peers. Key here is defining progress as learning- even when the learning stems from a mistake or failure, versus a success.